Here's the round-up:
My parents got a pair of bike helmet ear warmers. They fit Nancy's helmet better than my dad's. It was actually really funny making them guess what these were before I finally told them.
Pattern: Bike Helmet Ear Warmers, Men Knit Fall 2005.
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Worsted in color M-05 Onyx. I used about 1 skein for both sets and I still have a little bit left over. I bought the yarn from the yarn barn, my really local yarn store.
Needles: I used US 8 aluminum needles.
My father-in-law got a scarf that is fitting for a man that will retire in Maine. This was a quick and fun knit! My first scarf knit the long way.
Pattern: Men's Rustic Scarf, Last-Minute Knitted Gifts.Yarn.
Yarn: Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Chunky in colors 553 (pecan), 556 (flaming) and 557 (olive oil). I used less than 1 skein of each color. I bought the yarn from Jimmy Beans.
My brother-in-law, Adam, received a Harry Potter scarf for Christmas. We thought this would be a great gift for him since everyone in Japan called would say, "Oh, Harry Potter!" whenever they saw him when we were all there in March. I really liked how it came out, but it took FOREVER to knit.
Pattern: Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban Scarf, Atypically Knit.
Yarn: Plymouth Encore in colors burnt sienna (#0999) and butternut (#1014). I used less than 1 skein of the butternut and 4 skeins of the burnt sienna. I bought the yarn from the yarn barn.
Needles: I used a US 8 Addi Turbo 16" circular needle.Modifications: I did not knit the full 13 pattern repeats. Instead, I stopped at 10. It was already super long.
My sister-in-law Tracy got a scarf and hat set.
Pattern: My So Called Scarf, from Sheep in the City. The stitch pattern is the Little Herringbone pattern from A Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara Walker. I made up the hat pattern myself by piecing together several generic hat patterns.
Yarn: Manos del Uruguay in the Wildflower colorway. I used 2 skeins for the scarf and one skein for the hat. I bought the yarn from Jimmy Beans.Needles
Needles: I used US 11 straight aluminum needles.